Placement Stories: Adapting a Physician Job Search in a Pandemic Era


In 2020, amidst the relentless battle against COVID-19, my Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellows found themselves on the front lines—facing higher patient volumes, more critical cases, and longer hours. During this challenging period, I developed a close bond with a physician who I was assisting in their job search. In the aftermath of their grueling 15- to 24-hour shifts in the ICU, they would send me photos of themself clad head to toe in layers of personal protective equipment and would share difficult anecdotes from their day. Despite the tough circumstances, our discussions about the future and their potential opportunities infused our talks with light-heartedness and hope. 

While these events unfolded, their spouse secured a position in their desired location where I also had a strong working relationship with an employer. Together we began to navigate the complexities of the situation including initiating an interview process despite travel restrictions. Recognizing the unique circumstances the employer went above and beyond, engaging in multiple Zoom meetings with my physician and providing comprehensive materials for them to study each facility within the organization. About a year into their new role, the physician reached out to share the joy of their job and the new leisure activity they had embraced: unwinding on their new boat with their family. 

This placement marked a new milestone for me—it was the first time that one of my candidates didn’t embark on a traditional site interview or get to experience the holistic events included in a site visit that gear toward personal, family, and community interests. The unique challenges I encountered with this match significantly enriched my skills as a recruiter: It allowed me to explore new ways to connect physicians and employers and I learned how it is even more critical to keep the lines of communication open when there can’t be any in-person contact.  

About Pulmonary & Critical Care Consultant Wendy Roofe


Wendy Roofe Pulmonary and Critical Care Recruiter St. John Associates

Wendy Roofe has spent the last decade of her career in the world of sales consulting and marketing. In this position, she enjoys establishing physicians with organizations in communities that need their skill set and passion for medicine. 

“When a client entrusts me with their journey, I pledge my unwavering support throughout the entire process. Over the past 7 years, I’ve cultivated a robust network of employers across the nation, enabling me to provide my physicians with details of hundreds of active positions in the pulmonary and critical care market. After identifying a promising match, I facilitate meaningful conversations about the position, equip my physicians for site interviews, and remain by my clients’ side during contract negotiations, ensuring my role extends until a physician successfully establishes themselves in their new practice and beyond.” 



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