Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County and SJA

The women of St. John Associates (SJA) were out for yet another beautiful day for the Monroe County Habitat for HumanityWomen Build event in Bloomington, Indiana.

The 21st Anniversary of Women Build was held from September 17th to October 2nd, 2021. The fundraising goal for 2021 was $200,000, which we met within the first week. Each registered builder pledged to fundraise a minimum of $300, a slight increase from years prior due to the current increases in building materials and infrastructure costs.

The annual Women Build event is known as a “blitz build”: in two short weeks, hundreds of volunteers and fundraisers come together to construct two homes from start to finish.

Since its beginning 21 years ago, Women Build has raised nearly 2 million dollars and helped house 71 people, including 39 children, in Bloomington, Indiana.

Women Build brings together more than 20 women from all walks of life at each build, to share in hard work, community, and the creation of a network of hope, love, and inspiration for future homeowners and other members within our community.

St. John Associates has participated in a variety of ways with Habitat for Humanity, Women Build in particular, over our 30-year history.

In 2021, SJA was recognized as a Women Build Hero. To be recognized with this honor, a company must go above and beyond the standard “ask.” This year, St. John Associates pledged additional donations in order to fulfill a gap in fundraising caused by the pandemic. St. John Associates also sponsored each SJA employee who participated in the Women Build to assure they hit their fundraising goal of $300. I received a $500 donation match to help meet my Sisterhood for Habitat Empowerment Society goals. The Sisterhood for Habitat Empowerment Society, or S.H.E. Society, was created to honor and challenge women builders who commit to raising at least $1,000 per year for (5) five years. You can identify these members at a building site by their pink hard hats. S.H.E. Society members continue their efforts to advocate, educate and fundraise for Habitat for Humanity throughout the year.

Paige Prather, one of the newest consultants on the SJA crew, mentioned that her favorite part of the build was the opportunity to give back and hear the stories of former builds, especially those memories connected to SJA and the late Ann St. John.

Suzy Cain led our morning devotion with a beautiful story about how empowering and memorable an event like Women Build can be. She was joined by her two daughters on for their first build day. Afterward, I heard one of them say that participating in the Women Build event should become a tradition for the women in their family.

I am incredibly grateful to have an employer support me with my philanthropic endeavors.


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