Placement Stories: Bigger Isn’t Always Better for Some Physicians

Caryl Bowers orthopedic physician recruiter for St. John Associates has over 17 years of experience in the ortho field and over 500 matchesCaryl Bowers is an Orthopedic Consultant who has worked in the market for over 17 years and has made over 500 matches across the country. 

“I get to help well-trained surgeons find practices nationwide and I love what I do. The magic comes when the stars align and the match is made. Each time the magic occurs, there is a story to be told. I love every story because each one is so special and unique.”  



A Fast-Moving Orthopedic Match That Was Meant To Be

We want to find a lasting match for each physician so it usually takes weeks to months to find the right fit for both parties. This case was quite the exception. 

My orthopedic candidate told me he wanted to be in the Western region, so I presented him to a few groups including a larger group in that area. He quickly learned that the larger group, though it offered many perks and resources and was in his perfect location, did not share his future goals and values. We kept looking and pivoted to a smaller group practice in a different location that had the values he was looking for and offered the amenities his family wanted.  I was very familiar with the smaller group since I had placed a number of surgeons with them in the past. Those past candidates were happy and successful with this group, so they continued to expand. 

The initial call between the candidate and employer went well and before long the candidate and his family made a site visit. The visit was very positive and they were able to come to terms with a contract quickly. I was overjoyed to receive a photo of the candidate signing his employment contract. His family is thrilled to be moving to a lovely community with an opportunity that will allow him to grow professionally. This match that happened so unusually fast truly felt like it was meant to be. 

Sometimes the best opportunities are alternative options. When you’re navigating a search, keep an open mind, prioritize your list of wants, and trust your consultant. Even if you thought you never would land in a certain location, what you find might surprise you.


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